Hey, it's Friday. . . Again

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Is it Time to Play?

So, my friend Phil posted on his facebook today:  “its Friday and going to work again…again…again”.  Well, that’s why I started to work on www.timetoplay.com in the first place!  That’s my sentiments, exactly!

Do you feel like you’re part of the “rat race” on a treadmill?  Me too!  Each day you wake up, yell at the kids to hurry up or they’re going to be late, rush to work, work all day, come home exhausted, cook dinner, clean up, fall asleep in front of the TV ( I swear I used to make fun of my mother and father for doing that!), get into bed, and start all over the next day.  And, before you even blink, it seems, the whole week is gone and it’s Friday… again.  And it’s the same thing every day, and every week, and you try to squeak out a fun or enjoyable experience somewhere along the line, but it seems those times are far and few between.

I’ve been working on www.timetoplay.com for over a year now.  Why?  Because I just haven’t had the time to actually finish it.  Ironic, right?  But, we have a big week coming up and I’m going to push over the weekend to make sure it’s ready to go.  Why?  Because the working people of our Country need it.  www.timetoplay.com’s goal is to provide resources for people to have a better life.  To have professionals provide words of wisdom and tips to make the life of the “everyday working slob” easier.  So we can enjoy life.

What is quality of life?  Do you have one?  Do you know what would give your life quality? Do you enjoy yourself?  Do you have time to pursue the things that give you happiness, passion, make you feel alive?  Have you changed things in your life so you could be happy?

I’d like to start interviewing people to tell their stories.  To talk about the things they do, things they love, lessons they’ve learned, things they want to do.  www.timetoplay.com is a people helping people project — maybe something they read will help them change their life a little so they can have quality of life.

Call me at 631-331-2675 or email: doreen@djamesmarketing.com (this is the best email to use because it goes to my phone) so we can talk.  Or let me know of someone you think would be perfect for me to talk to.

Something I’ve learned — thinking about or talking about what makes you happy. . . makes you happy!

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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